June 14, 2008

Two Hours and $14

Marc and I just got back from seeing The Happening, which is M. Night Shyamalan's latest release. I usually love his movies like The Village, The Sixth Sense, and Signs, so I was really looking forward to seeing The Happening

Well, it had to have been the most confusing movie that I have ever seen! When the end of the movie came and the credits started rolling, Marc and I both just sat there looking at each other like whaaaaaat? What happened? Apparently, we weren't the only ones, because everyone coming out of the theater was talking and saying the same things we were. It was an odd, odd movie!  

At several points in the movie, people just freeze and start talking nonsense. That meant that they had been affected by "the happening." So, what did my wonderful husband do as we left the movie? He stopped in the middle of the parking lot and kept repeating "Where's the car, where's the car?" The people walking behind us busted out laughing, and I finally caught on to what he was doing. Duh!

So, like Marc said as we were driving away from the movie theater..."That's two hours and $14 we'll never get back!"