June 5, 2008

Happy Anniversary to Me!

Yesterday was my ONE year anniversary of having back surgery! It doesn't seem like that long ago, but boy what a difference a year makes! I went from being in excruciating pain every day to being pain free!

This time last year, I was just getting home from the hospital. I was very sick from the Morphine in the pain pump, and that is about all that I remember. After a few days, the pain pump had worn off, and I remember being in so much pain. I could barely move and had to rely on Marc and my mother to do everything for me. They had to feed me, walk me, and help me roll from side to side. (That makes it sound like I was a baby...or a dog!) Anyway, those were some really bad days, but even then it was much better than what I had to deal with before the surgery!

On Tuesday, someone asked me if I had it all to do again, would I still have the surgery. I told them I definitely would! Yes, it took a few months to get back to normal and it was a huge risk, but looking back now, I don't know how I dealt with the pain before the surgery.

So, happy anniversary to ME!