June 5, 2008

Bridge Street Town Centre

After eating lunch today, Marc and I walked around Bridge Street. The place was pretty empty today, so we were able to check out all the buildings. Of course, I brought my camera along to play!

The carousel was right outside of Biscuits & Blues Cafe, so I took some pictures of it. 

As we walked around, I noticed all the beautiful buildings. There's some really interesting architecture around Bridge Street! (I wanted to be an architect when I was younger, but I was horrible at geometry, so it was never meant to be!) I can't wait to check out Connors Steak and Seafood!

The fountain outside the Monaco Theater was going full force, and it was an opportunity for me to try one of the settings on my new camera.

This gentlemen was keeping everyone entertained! (By the way, I love the way this picture came out!)

After leaving the fountain area, we headed around to check out the Westin Hotel. It is awesome! You can tell that they are not completely finished working on the landscaping, but what they have done is absolutely beautiful!

We also checked out the new Apple store on our way into Bridge Street. Marc showed me the Ipod Touch that he wants, and the nice salesman told us about how we could've gotten one for FREE if we would've only waited two months to buy our MacBook. Wasn't that nice of him? I promise I could see steam coming out of Marc's ears.

And last but not least, I had to take a picture of one of the famous PF Chang's horses!

Marc and I had a great time just walking around and getting out of the house! I'm sure we'll be back soon!