June 12, 2008

New Additions

When we were at Home Depot yesterday, I picked out some more flowers to go in our newly remodeled flower bed! We had to go to two different Home Depots, because the first one had such miserable looking plants. We ended up going back to the same one we went to the day before. Their flowers were beautiful!

I picked out some pretty yellow and orange dahlias. I loved the color of these!

I also picked out some ornamental peppers. I tried these last year in a planter, and they did horribly. However, this year I'm going to keep them in full sun. I hope they'll do better this year. Even though they're ornamental, you can eat these peppers. I've never been brave enough, but I'm sure Marc will give it a go!

I also bought some celosia flowers. These are really hardy flowers. I was disappointed that Home Depot only had them in yellow, because I really wanted either orange or red. On the upside, they were really healthy looking. I used them to fill in bare spots.

So, after it cooled off some last night, I planted the flowers. I think it turned out really well!

This flower bed is now finished, and I'm so excited to be able to work on the beds again! Even though my legs are a little sore this morning, my back doesn't hurt one bit! I have my sights set on another area of the yard now. We're waiting to see how the transplanted shrubs do before I get started, though. They're already looking better than they did a few days ago, so maybe there's hope after all!