June 24, 2008

Golfing at Richland

I went with Marc this morning while he played nine holes of golf at Richland. I didn't play, but I had a lot of fun watching Marc play. I also took a bunch of pictures!

We rented a golf cart, and of course I loved driving it around! Marc taught me all the rules of driving etiquette, so I didn't mess up the course. 

I was really impressed with Marc's golfing skills! He has come a long way! I guess all that practicing in the back yard has paid off. 

I thought this was a neat picture. Marc was aiming for the flag in the distance, and he was able to get really, really close to it! Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of where the balled ended up.

The next two pictures are out of order, but I just had to know what this funny little contraption was. So, Marc told me it was a ball cleaner and showed me how it worked. Too funny!

Okay, back to the course...Marc was really pleased with this next hole. Before he hit the ball, he told me how this was the hole from H***! Then, he hit the ball and it landed really close to the hole! He said it was the first time he had been able to do that!

A pretty picture of the "water hazard."

I kept myself busy during boring times by playing with the settings on my camera. I took this pic of myself:

After Marc finished his nine holes, he had a new grip put on one of this clubs. Then we played a round of putt-putt and hit some balls on the range. 

It was a really great day, and we had so much fun!