June 28, 2008

A Rough Week

On Wednesday when I got home from church, I found out that my father had been taken to the emergency room. Apparently, he had been feeling pretty bad for a few days and had some dizzy spells that made him weak. So, my mother took him to his cardiologist, and Daddy was sent to the hospital.

The doctors ordered an EKG which came out normal. Yesterday, he had a cath done, and it also came out really good. In fact, his heart looked exactly like it did eight years ago when he had his second bypass surgery. We really thought that he was going to be sent home last night or today at the latest.

When his cardiologist came to check on him last night, though, he had other plans. Since my dad had knee surgery about a month ago, the doctor thought there was a possibility that he might have a blood clot in his lung. So, during the night, they ran some tests on his lungs to check them. Thank goodness, everything came out clear.

Daddy is still in the hospital today and probably won't be able to go home, yet. His doctor still wants to run more tests to see if he can find out what is causing the problems. Hopefully, everything will check out, and he'll be given a clean bill of health.