March 1, 2009

Go Away!

On Wednesday night, I went to bed feeling fine. On Thursday morning, I woke up with a little sore throat. No biggie! So, I went on into work, and by about 9:30, I felt like I had been hit with a big ol' Mack truck. I called my doctor to see if he could work me in, but they didn't have any appointments until 3:30 (yes, 3:30!) the next day. So, not having any other choice, I went to a doc-in-the-box. 

The waiting room was pretty full, but I still got in to see the doctor in about an hour and a half. By the time I got back there, I was running a fever of 101.3, which I thought was pretty bad. I was given a strep swab and diagnosed with strep. I left with a prescription for Penicillin, since they were out of shots. Apparently, it had been a busy week at the doc-in-a-box!

Well, little did I know that was only the beginning! Fast forward a few hours, and my temp was up to 102.7, and I had chills like you wouldn't believe. I thought I was dying. I laid down in bed with jeans, a short-sleeve t-shirt, a long-sleeve t-shirt, and socks on and covered up with a sheet, a thick blanket, and a comforter. I was still shivering so hard that I couldn't fall asleep. 

By the next morning, I still wasn't feeling good at all, but the fever finally broke during the night. My skin was red and tender from the fever, and I was just miserable. Apparently, I didn't have a run-of-the-mill case of strep, I had a case of knock-you-to-your-knees strep. And there is a difference! I ended up having to go back to the doctor on Friday night to get a steroid shot, because my throat was so sore and swollen, I was having trouble swallowing and drinking.

So, today is Sunday, and my throat is still swollen and sore. I'll spare you the nasty details, but it is looking much better this morning. On Friday night, the doctor told me that if my throat was not getting better, I needed to come back in. Hopefully, I can make it through the day without having to go back. I just want this stupid sore throat to GO AWAY!


Mommaof3monks said...

PRaying for you all weekend! Hoping you'll get back to normal quickly!! HEALING be yours!!!