March 26, 2009

Dinner at Whispering Canyon Cafe

During our September trip, we had a horrible experience eating at Whispering Canyon Cafe. We were late getting seated, the service was horrible, and the food was mediocre. But we decided to give it another try, and we were not disappointed!

Instead of getting seated in the main dining room, we were seated in the back part of the restaurant. I was a little worried at first that we would get forgotten about, but we were soon greeted with a wonderful server. He told him that he didn't have to perform all the antics that WCC is famous for, but that we were just looking for a nice, relaxing dinner. He seemed relieved, so we were off to a good start.

Until this happened: We were told that they were out of milkshakes! (And to be honest, that was the main reason that I wanted to give WCC another try!) It wasn't our server's fault, but I was totally bummed! I had my heart set on a caramel milkshake. Oh well!

We both ordered the skillet, which was the same thing we got the last time. It was so much better on this trip! Everything was hot and fresh! As you can see, it was a lot of food! 

About half-way during our meal, we noticed a crowd of people making their way to the back door of the hotel. Since the shuttle was launching that night, we figured it was probably time for it to fly over. Earlier, our server told us to feel free to go outside to check it out during dinner, so we did. It was amazing, and these pictures don't really do it justice:

In the last picture, the one big dot is the shuttle, and the two small dots at the bottom are the booster rockets falling off the shuttle. Amazing!

We really had a much better experience at Whispering Canyon Cafe this time! We'll definitely be back!


Keri said...

We saw the launch from the Fantasmic amphitheatre! We had forgotten about it and was so excited to see it.

On our honeymoon, we were waiting to leave the ship and come home at Cape Canaveral and saw the Shuttle come in for landing.

I've enjoyed reading your trip reports and seeing the pics.