March 25, 2009

Sunday Morning at Dinoland

We got up bright and early on Sunday morning to be at Animal Kingdom for rope drop. Even though we were early, there was still quite a crowd. Lines had already formed to get through the turnstiles, which I had never seen happen before. Marc and I started to doubt our decision to follow the Unofficial Guide's recommended park schedule, but we stuck with our plan. First stop: FastPasses for Expedition Everest.

As the rope was dropped, you could see people part like the Red Sea...Half of us going to Everest, the other half going to the safari. We were able to snag FastPasses with a 10:00am return time. Awesome! We then headed over to Dinoland.

Talk about empty! Dinoland is the place to be in the morning! We were able to get on TriceraTop Spin without a wait. It's a corny ride, but I still liked it!

When we went to Animal Kingdom last September, Primeval Whirl was closed for refurbishment. Suzie kept telling us that we definitely needed to ride it if we ever came back, so we had to see what the fuss was all about. The wait time was just enough time for us to ride, then head back to Everest. 

To be honest, I was a little nervous about getting motion sick after seeing what Primeval Whirl was all about. But I loved, loved, loved it! I loved being spun around, going down the hills, etc. I think it's my new favorite ride at Animal Kingdom! 

We got finished just in time for our FastPass return window, so we said goodbye to Dinoland and the scary yellow dino. 

We were able to walk right on to Everest. Again, I was a little nervous about riding this again. The last time, I got really sick after riding it. But I promised Marc that I would try it again. Well, I guess Everest and I just don't get along, because I was sick when I got off. I'm thinking it's the backwards part that does me in every time, so I think I'm done with it.

After taking a few minutes to settle down, we decided to head over to Asia to grab some lunch. We went to Anandapur Local Cafe, which is the counter service for Yak & Yeti. I couldn't wait to get there!


Keri said...

This is like re-living last week for me!

I rode Primeval Whirl for the first time last week. It was good. Interesting and good. My seat kept pulling my hair, which made for a lot of "ouching" in the middle of my otherwise enjoyable ride.

I loved Expedition Everest.

Adam said...

I am glad you enjoyed Primeval Whirl.