March 26, 2009

An Afternoon at Animal Kingdom

After lunch at Yak & Yeti, Marc and I went around the corner to go on the Maharajah Jungle Trek. We completely missed all of the walking trails last year, so I was excited to be able to do them. You get a chance to see the animals close-up, and since I'm a big fan of zoos, I was all over this!

Our first stop was the bat house. It's completely open, so I was kinda freaked out about going in there at first. I thought there would be a lot of small, cave-dwelling bats. But noooo! These were huge, lazy bats! 

After the bat house, we rounded the corner and found a tiger. In the distance, we also saw the deer:

Marc asked the cast member why the tiger didn't go after the deer. He looked at us like we were stupid and said "There's a fence in between the tiger and the deer." Well, I'll be! Of course you couldn't actually see the fence...Part of the "Disney Magic" I guess.

I also took a lot of pictures of the theming. In pure Disney fashion, it was spectacular. You really felt like you were transported to Asia. 

After the Jungle Trek, Marc and I got on the train to head to Rafiki's Planet Watch. For some reason, I was expecting this semi-long train ride that took its passengers past roaming animals. I don't know where I dreamt that, but the train ride was a short five minutes, and it took us past a lot of boring stuff. Maybe it was the heat, but I wasn't impressed!

Once we got to Rafiki's Planet Watch, we went into the Conservation Station (boring!) and Affection Section. There was a happy llama (He had an underbite, so it looked like he was smiling.) and two donkeys named Jack and Jill. There were also a lot of goats and one cow. 

Marc and I got back on the train headed back to the main park. On the way back, we decided it was about time to take a little break, so we headed back to our room to relax for a little bit before dinner.