March 30, 2009

Welcome Home!

Marc, being the rebel that he is, decided he wanted to see the new Kidani village at Disney's Animal Kingdom Village. Forget the "Construction Vehicles Only" signs. I was so mad, because I was worried that we'd end up getting kicked out. Then I saw this:

Now I want to see more! So on we go!

This is the canopy at the entrance:

Notice the security guard standing at the doorway. I didn't see him when I was taking the pictures, or I would have totally flipped out!

We also took some cool videos, but I don't know how to post them here. They're on You Tube, though!

After our private tour, we decided to call it a night and head back to the resort for a swim. Tomorrow morning....Magic Kingdom!

St. Patrick's Day at Hollywood Studios

We celebrated St. Patrick's Day at Hollywood Studios by wearing our custom-made t-shirts. We were there for rope drop and quickly made our way over to Toy Story Mania to get FastPasses. The lines were loooonnnngggg, but we only had to wait about 15 minutes to get them. So glad we did!

After getting FastPasses, we headed to some less crowded areas of the park. We went to see Muppet*Vision and walked around the back lot areas. After checking the time for Lights, Motors, Action!, we headed back over toward the Rock 'n' Roller Coaster. Since I had a really bad motion sickness experience with this ride the last time, I decided to sit out. I watched the Beauty and the Beast show, and Marc rode the coaster. We agreed to meet back up when he was finished.

After the Beauty and the Beast show, I sat on the brick ledge to get some sun and waited for Marc. That was a major mistake! I'll explain later...

After Marc (finally!) showed up, we went to see Lights, Motors, Action! It was an awesome show! We even got to see Herbie!

So, remember how I said I made a big mistake by sitting on that brick ledge? Sunburned, right? Well, not really. A couple of weeks before we left for Disney, I came down with a wicked case of Strep throat. Then about a week later, I caught a cold. As a result, I had an infected lymph node in my neck. It was so bad the day before that it really hurt when I moved my neck, and I had a hard time sleeping on my side.

So, what did Dummy (me) do? I took two strong antibiotics that, thank God, I had brought with me. What I didn't do was read the warnings on the side that said this particular antibiotic caused light sensitivity and to stay out of the sun for prolonged periods.

Well, during Lights, Motors, Action!, I started feeling really sick...a cross between wanting to vomit and passing out. Of course, I didn't tell Marc any of this, because he really, really wanted to see the show. At the end, I politely suggested that we head back to the resort to cool off before dinner. So, turns out sitting on that ledge in the full sun for over 30 minutes turned into a mild case of sun poisoning and a pretty good sunburn on my arms. Lovely!

Marc, seeing that I wasn't feeling too good, agreed to go back to the room, and I was able to shower and cool off. I also took a really long nap and woke up feeling somewhat better. There was no way that I was going to miss eating at Cape May again like I did in September. (Was sick with some sort of stomach thing then!)

We drove over to the Beach Club and enjoyed a nice, cloudy stroll to the resort.

Our dinner was really nice until our server dropped a tray of half-eaten food (from other guests) all over Marc's legs and shoes. Ewwww! (Thank goodness for Crocs!) The server was very apologetic and took 20% off our bill (We were on the dining plan.) and offered to buy us drinks. We were able to get everything cleaned off, so it wasn't a big deal.

After dinner, Marc decided to see if we could sneak over to get some pictures of the new Kidani village. Next!


After dinner, Marc and I headed back over to Magic Kingdom and arrived a few minutes before Wishes! was to start. We found a spot on the sidewalk in the main hub. We thought it was a really good place to be, but a cast member came over and told us that right before the show started, we could move into the street. Talk about the perfect place! It didn't get any better!

I took a ton of pictures of the castle during the fireworks! I picked out two of my favorites:

Wishes! was a perfect ending to a wonderful day!

March 28, 2009

Dinner at Rose & Crown

Monday night's dinner reservation was at Rose & Crown. Marc and I ate there in September, and it was really good, so we thought we'd go again. This time was just as awesome!

Our server brought out some cheese bread and butter for us to snack on until our orders arrived. 

Marc ordered the Steak and Fish. He said it was really good!

For dessert, he ordered the Bailey's Irish Coffee Trifle. Again, really good!

I ordered Harry Ramsden's Fish and Chips. They came out nice and hot.

For my dessert, I ordered the Sticky Toffee Pudding. I put the pudding part on top of the cake before I took a picture, which is why it looks a little messy. It was heavenly!

Our meal was really good, with the exception of some gross little boys who showed up at the end. They were sticking their fingers on top of the malt vinegar bottles, licking their fingers, and repeating. Ewwww! I was ready to leave after seeing that! 

After dinner, we headed over to Magic Kingdom and arrived just in time for Wishes!

March 27, 2009


After our late night the previous day, we decided to sleep in a little bit, not much though, and arrived at Epcot by about 10:00am. We immediately went to Soarin' to get FastPasses for later, which turned out to be a good move. Then we wandered around for a little bit before heading over to Sunshine Seasons for an early lunch. Marc ordered a meal from the Asian area (big disappointment!), and I ordered a ham and salami grinder. (Totally stepping out of the box on that one! It was very good, and Marc had to help me finish it.)

After lunch, we checked out some of the topiaries that were starting to show up for the Flower and Garden Festival. (I'll post those pictures together in a separate post.) Then, we headed over toward World Showcase.

We checked out England, France, Morocco, An American Adventure, Japan, and Italy. This trip, I felt like we got a better chance to slow down and notice things that we didn't the last time. For instance, I totally missed this cute little donkey in Italy the last time we were there.

And we also didn't see the spitting gargoyle in France:

After World Showcase, we went back over to Future World to get some cool liquid refreshment from Club Cool.

We also went to use our Soarin' FastPass. Good thing we did! Yep, that's right...105 minutes!

While I was taking a picture of Marc and our FastPasses in front of the Stand-By Entrance, this cast member hopped in the picture. (I love Disney CMs!) I think he was just as thrilled as we were!

After Soarin', we wandered around a little bit more, and soon it was time for dinner at Rose and Crown!

You Want to Stay 'Til When?

After dinner at Whispering Canyon, we hopped on a bus and headed over to one of the parks (I don't remember which one...) to transfer to our resort bus. We hung around for a little bit, then headed back to Magic Kingdom at about 10:30pm. 

Magic Kingdom had Extra Magic Hours until 2:ooam, so I really wanted to go back. Marc...not so much! But since he'll do anything to make me happy, he agreed to go. I'm really happy that we did! We were able to ride a lot of rides in a short amount of time, because the park wasn't really that busy. The only ride we had to wait in line for was Splash Mountain, and it wasn't that bad either. 

Since we knew we would be running around, I didn't feel like dragging the camera around. We stayed and played until closing time and got back to our room at about 3:00am. It was a crazy, fun night!

March 26, 2009

Dinner at Whispering Canyon Cafe

During our September trip, we had a horrible experience eating at Whispering Canyon Cafe. We were late getting seated, the service was horrible, and the food was mediocre. But we decided to give it another try, and we were not disappointed!

Instead of getting seated in the main dining room, we were seated in the back part of the restaurant. I was a little worried at first that we would get forgotten about, but we were soon greeted with a wonderful server. He told him that he didn't have to perform all the antics that WCC is famous for, but that we were just looking for a nice, relaxing dinner. He seemed relieved, so we were off to a good start.

Until this happened: We were told that they were out of milkshakes! (And to be honest, that was the main reason that I wanted to give WCC another try!) It wasn't our server's fault, but I was totally bummed! I had my heart set on a caramel milkshake. Oh well!

We both ordered the skillet, which was the same thing we got the last time. It was so much better on this trip! Everything was hot and fresh! As you can see, it was a lot of food! 

About half-way during our meal, we noticed a crowd of people making their way to the back door of the hotel. Since the shuttle was launching that night, we figured it was probably time for it to fly over. Earlier, our server told us to feel free to go outside to check it out during dinner, so we did. It was amazing, and these pictures don't really do it justice:

In the last picture, the one big dot is the shuttle, and the two small dots at the bottom are the booster rockets falling off the shuttle. Amazing!

We really had a much better experience at Whispering Canyon Cafe this time! We'll definitely be back!

Disney Design-a-Tee

After taking a little break back at the resort, Marc and I headed to Downtown Disney in search of St. Patrick's Day t-shirts. I saw some at one of the shops in Magic Kingdom on Saturday, but they only had smalls and mediums. (And we know those weren't going to work on either one of us...) 

As we were walking in, we noticed this little shop:

It wasn't there in September, so we had to go in to check it out. They had the cutest little St. Patrick's Day shirt in the corner, so I picked it to design my own shirt! Once I picked out the color I wanted, I was able to design the shirt on one of these machines:

Marc also decided to get one, too. These were the finished products:

An Afternoon at Animal Kingdom

After lunch at Yak & Yeti, Marc and I went around the corner to go on the Maharajah Jungle Trek. We completely missed all of the walking trails last year, so I was excited to be able to do them. You get a chance to see the animals close-up, and since I'm a big fan of zoos, I was all over this!

Our first stop was the bat house. It's completely open, so I was kinda freaked out about going in there at first. I thought there would be a lot of small, cave-dwelling bats. But noooo! These were huge, lazy bats! 

After the bat house, we rounded the corner and found a tiger. In the distance, we also saw the deer:

Marc asked the cast member why the tiger didn't go after the deer. He looked at us like we were stupid and said "There's a fence in between the tiger and the deer." Well, I'll be! Of course you couldn't actually see the fence...Part of the "Disney Magic" I guess.

I also took a lot of pictures of the theming. In pure Disney fashion, it was spectacular. You really felt like you were transported to Asia. 

After the Jungle Trek, Marc and I got on the train to head to Rafiki's Planet Watch. For some reason, I was expecting this semi-long train ride that took its passengers past roaming animals. I don't know where I dreamt that, but the train ride was a short five minutes, and it took us past a lot of boring stuff. Maybe it was the heat, but I wasn't impressed!

Once we got to Rafiki's Planet Watch, we went into the Conservation Station (boring!) and Affection Section. There was a happy llama (He had an underbite, so it looked like he was smiling.) and two donkeys named Jack and Jill. There were also a lot of goats and one cow. 

Marc and I got back on the train headed back to the main park. On the way back, we decided it was about time to take a little break, so we headed back to our room to relax for a little bit before dinner.

March 25, 2009

Lunch at Yak & Yeti

As I said earlier, we got lunch at Anandapur Local Cafe, which is Yak & Yeti's counter service. Marc, Chris, and I ate there in September, and it was really good, so we wanted to go back. We must have gotten there at a good time, because we beat the rush of people that showed up right after us!

Marc ordered "an" eggroll and used a snack credit for it. This is what he got:

Pretty good use of a snack credit, if you ask me. And those things were huge!

For his entree, he ordered the shrimp lo mein:

Marc said it was a little soggy like it had been sitting around for a little bit. Good thing he got the eggrolls!

I ordered the honey chicken with white rice:

It was so hot that I had to let it sit for a minute before I could eat it. Mine was really fresh! 

For dessert, Marc got the mango pie:

And I got the chocolate "celebration" cake:

Although I hated that Marc didn't really like his entree, I was really happy with mine! I'm sure we'll be back to try it again. Now, we have more park to see!

Sunday Morning at Dinoland

We got up bright and early on Sunday morning to be at Animal Kingdom for rope drop. Even though we were early, there was still quite a crowd. Lines had already formed to get through the turnstiles, which I had never seen happen before. Marc and I started to doubt our decision to follow the Unofficial Guide's recommended park schedule, but we stuck with our plan. First stop: FastPasses for Expedition Everest.

As the rope was dropped, you could see people part like the Red Sea...Half of us going to Everest, the other half going to the safari. We were able to snag FastPasses with a 10:00am return time. Awesome! We then headed over to Dinoland.

Talk about empty! Dinoland is the place to be in the morning! We were able to get on TriceraTop Spin without a wait. It's a corny ride, but I still liked it!

When we went to Animal Kingdom last September, Primeval Whirl was closed for refurbishment. Suzie kept telling us that we definitely needed to ride it if we ever came back, so we had to see what the fuss was all about. The wait time was just enough time for us to ride, then head back to Everest. 

To be honest, I was a little nervous about getting motion sick after seeing what Primeval Whirl was all about. But I loved, loved, loved it! I loved being spun around, going down the hills, etc. I think it's my new favorite ride at Animal Kingdom! 

We got finished just in time for our FastPass return window, so we said goodbye to Dinoland and the scary yellow dino. 

We were able to walk right on to Everest. Again, I was a little nervous about riding this again. The last time, I got really sick after riding it. But I promised Marc that I would try it again. Well, I guess Everest and I just don't get along, because I was sick when I got off. I'm thinking it's the backwards part that does me in every time, so I think I'm done with it.

After taking a few minutes to settle down, we decided to head over to Asia to grab some lunch. We went to Anandapur Local Cafe, which is the counter service for Yak & Yeti. I couldn't wait to get there!