July 7, 2008

That's Not Cheese!

Surprise! Surprise! Marc and I went to see yet another movie today! It was a toss up between The Love Guru and Get Smart. We chose to see Get Smart, because it had better reviews and a funnier trailer.

It was an okay movie. I don't remember ever seeing the Get Smart TV program, though. I think I would've liked it more if I had seen it. I didn't get a lot of the jokes, and Marc got tired of trying to explain them to me. Steve Carell was hilarious! But then again, when isn't he? He totally made the movie!

After the movie, we decided to grab something to eat at Steak and Shake. It was the first time we'd eaten at the one in Huntsville. The onion rings were awesome!

We finished our lunch and headed over to the mall. I was searching for shorts for our Disney trip, but I ended up leaving with a pair of Bermuda shorts, a pair of work pants, and a polo shirt. Marc bought another one of his great golf shirts. Oh, and we each bought a pair of sandals. And I didn't buy one pair of shorts for Disney! (I did, however, find some later tonight at Walmart for $5.00!)

We had a really fun day and got a lot accomplished! Yah us!


Pat R said...

Get Smart looks okay overall... but Steve Carell seems to be veering more and more toward a predictable, slapstick-style humor