July 27, 2008

Magic Burger and "Whoping Bats"

Marc and I met our friends, Scott and Kristi, for dinner at Bridge Street on Friday night. On the way there, Marc had to make a little pit stop at Best Buy. He wanted to see if they would match a competitor's sale price on a Garmin Nuvi. They said they would, so Marc ended up buying one. 

Yesterday, he was itching to try it out, so he mentioned taking a little ride. We hopped in the car and headed toward Attalla where there is this little place called the Magic Burger Drive-In. We discovered Magic Burger about a year ago while we were out geocaching. We made a few stops on the way (see an interesting one below), but we got there in time for lunch.

Marc ordered a Magic Burger with everything:

And a foot-long hot dog with relish and onions and other stuff:

I ordered a small cheeseburger with only ketchup:

And we split a large order of onion rings:

Can I just say that these were the best onion rings that I have ever tasted?!?! They were sooooo good! Definitely worth the drive!

While we were eating, a squirrel decided to join us. Marc threw it a couple pieces of his bun, and that's all it took for him to invite the rest of his squirrel friends.

This squirrel kept an eye out for a few minutes, then...

decided to snag a piece of bread.

On the way to Attalla, we stopped at this little junk store on Highway 431 called Little Lots. We had always wondered what they had, but since they have really weird store hours, they were never open when we were driving by. Well, today they were open, so we perused the junk for a little bit. We came across a cart filled with "Whoping Bats." Not sure if that was supposed to be whopping or whooping, but either one would have been equally hilarious!

On the way back, we took some back roads to play with our Nuvi. It was really awesome and got us safely back home.