July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July!

We had a really relaxed day! We slept in late and chilled around the house for most of the day. Marc watched some movies, and I made these cupcakes for a party tonight:

Late in the afternoon, we went to Scott and Kristi's house for their annual 4th of July party. We had hot dogs and hamburgers and all the usual fare. Everything was so good! There's something about eating with a crowd of people that makes hot dogs taste so much better!

After we ate, the guys (and kids) starting shooting off some of the fireworks like bottle rockets and toys. One of the kids brought one of those little airplanes that moves a couple of inches when you light it. After it did its thing, all the guys started trying to figure out how to strap a bottle rocket to it and send it flying through the air. Do men ever really grow up?

A little before this picture was taken, Kimberly kept asking for a cookie because she said she was still hungry. Of course, her parents told her no because she hadn't eaten much of her dinner and had licked all the icing off of one of my cupcakes. So, they told her to give Marc her sad face and maybe he would let her have one. It was the cutest sad face I had ever seen, complete with a pouty bottom lip. So, Marc "snuck" her in to give her a cookie, and she tried to "hide" behind him while she was eating it. Too cute! So by the time this picture was taken, she was on a sugar high and telling Marc what to do! She has him wrapped around her little finger!

She caught a lightenin' bug and was really proud of it!

Since I recently got a new camera, I was really interested to see how the "fireworks" function worked. So, I lit a sparkler and gave it a try.

I thought this picture was really cool because it shows the sparks hitting my hand. Ignore the chubby fingers, please.

I also took some pictures of the fireworks that were happening in the neighborhood. I was really happy with how they came out.

At about 9:00, we decided to leave the party and head over to Bridge Street to see if we could catch the end of the fireworks. We pulled off on the Bradford Road exit, which was packed with cars. In fact, there were cars parked everywhere, even on the median on Research Park Boulevard...or Rideout Road, depending on how long you have lived here. There were even cars pulled off on 565, which I thought was really stupid. Anyway, I took some pictures, and then we left because we didn't want to get stuck in a traffic nightmare when everyone decided to leave at the same time. 

So, it was a really nice relaxed holiday! Can't wait to do it again next year!