July 31, 2008

First Day Back

I went back to work today. When I got there this morning, I thought that I was really ahead and didn't have that much left to do. How quickly that changed!

I was lucky enough to get an ActivBoard for my classroom. It's supposed to take the place of my whiteboard, and I can use lessons that I've created on the computer. While I'm really excited to have one, I'm not so excited about the changes I've had to make to my classroom. Since the board has to be mounted on the wall, I've lost some of my front board space, and I've had to rearrange what was left. However, I'll be getting the cork board that I've been begging for for years, so that's a good thing. I'm sure that was clear as mud...

Marc has to finish moving everything for me tomorrow, since we don't have time (or shall I say YEARS) to wait for a work order to be completed by the school system. Don't you love bureaucratic red tape? Hopefully, everything will be finished early tomorrow morning, so I can finish setting up my classroom. I have so much to do!