July 3, 2008

I'm Done with Hospitals!

My dad finally got released from the hospital yesterday, so I was looking forward to a worry free day. Marc was going to play golf with Adam, and I was going to chill at the house...some alone time! My plan was working out until I got a call from Marc at about 10:50am.

I didn't hear the phone ring the first four times it went off, but I did hear the 10:50 call, so I called Marc back. It took him a few rings to answer the phone, but when he did, I knew something wasn't quite right. He answered the phone right after he quit vomiting, so he was out of breath. Marc never vomits, so I had to wonder what was going on. He told me that he wasn't sure why, but that he had gotten sick while he was on the golf course. I asked him if he needed me to come get him, and he said yes. A few minutes later, he called back to tell me that Adam was going to town anyway, so I could just meet him at Home Depot. 

When I got there, Marc looked really, really bad. He was pale and his lips were white. I finally got him to eat a little bit of candy, because I thought maybe his blood sugar was low. We then headed to the doctor's office to have him checked out. Well, they sent us straight to the emergency room. The ER was surprisingly not busy at all, so they called Marc back really quick. They ran a bunch of tests, including blood work, an EKG and chest x-rays, and he talked with the doctor. Apparently, he was severely dehydrated and had heat exhaustion. 

So, two bags of fluid and six hours later, he was released. He was starving, so we ate dinner and Chili's and then headed home. Right now, he is fast asleep, and we are DONE with the hospital!