July 20, 2008

Saturday at the Races

We went to the Lone Star Park horse races with my father-in-law on Saturday afternoon. We always go during each trip, and I have to admit, it's really fun! We always sit at the same table and everyone who works there knows my father-in-law by name. We eat lunch there...they have an amazing buffet...and, and we watch the races.

Now, I know we're not supposed to gamble, but we always bet a few dollars just to make it more fun. I'm talking the minimum bet that can be made, no harm if we lose it. Anyway, I have noticed that there are a lot of people who bet a lot of money...hundreds...on each race. If they win, well, good for them, but these are usually people who don't need the money. If they lose, it's no skin off their back. My feeling is that I work really hard to make my money, and I have a hard time letting it go, especially if I'm not going to have anything to show for it. But since Marc's dad paid for everything while we were there, I didn't feel like there was any harm in spending what was equivalent to a dinner out.

My betting strategy is to go through the book and pick out names that mean something to me. I've had some pretty good success that way. The one bet that Marc won was when he accidentally bet on the wrong horse. He won $5.20, and he was so proud of himself. He even held on to that $5 until the next day. 

We had a really good time, and it was fun spending time with Marc's dad.