October 28, 2008

A Visitor? A Worker?

As I turned the last corner this afternoon on my home, I saw this:

My first thought was "Cool...BellSouth is here to work on our DSL." Then, as I got closer, I started thinking that there was no way that BellSouth truck was going to get out of the ditch. Then I saw this:

And this:

And this:

Then I knew he wasn't going to be able to get out of the ditch!

This business truck (I blurred out all the names/numbers to protect the not-so-innocent.) was in our ditch when I got home. No one was around...just me wondering how on earth it came to end up in our ditch. Of course, I got the camera out and started clicking away. (I have to protect what little assets I have, right?) A few minutes later, an identical, although not quite so dented, truck pulled up in our driveway. I was a little scared to go outside at first, but I had Marc on the phone, and he wanted to know what had happened.

Seems like our neighbor across the street was getting ready to pull out of her driveway when the truck's driver spotted her and thought she was going to pull out in front of him. (Truth be known, he was probably going way too fast!) In order to "miss" her, he swerved and the truck dove into the ditch. And left this in its path:

It's a huge mess! Hopefully they will get it fixed soon. Marc says we're giving them 'til Thursday!