October 5, 2008


We got our first flat-panel LCD TV about a year ago. As a matter of fact, we bought it during Fall Break last year. We immediately had DISH Network switch us over to HDTV, and we haven't looked back. I really don't know how we ever lived without HD, especially when watching movies and football.

The TV in our bedroom, however, was still a plain, old TV. It would pick up HD channels from our satellite, but the picture still wasn't crystal clear. Then, a few weeks ago, our bedroom TV made a funny "poof" sound and then smelled like it was on fire. It was raining that night, but Marc made sure to quickly rush it out of the house and into the rain. (He had that part planned, I think...Just kidding, honey!)

So, we bought another flat-panel LCD TV for the bedroom. We were very disappointed when the picture was less than perfect, so we called DISH to come out and take a look at it. Well, they cancelled the first appointment that we had on September 14, but they did make it their appointment on Saturday.

I'm happy to announce that we now have HDTV in both the living room
and the bedroom! It was truly a happy day in our TV-addicted house!