October 4, 2008

Sunday Afternoon at Hollywood Studios

After we watched Beauty and the Beast, we continued to walk around Hollywood Studios. We watched the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular! show. In all the times that I'd been to Hollywood Studios in the past, this was the first time that I'd seen this show. It was always closed for cheerleading competitions. Indiana Jones is not really my thing, so I thought the show was just okay, but Marc really liked it.

We also rode The Great Movie Ride. Although it's a corny ride, it's always been one of my favorites. Maybe because it has The Wizard of Oz in it?

We also watch a cute Muppets 3-D show. It was one of those shows that sprays, squirts, and blows different things on you. Kind of weird, but cool at the same time.

After a few show and rides, it was time for dinner at 50s Prime Time Cafe. (Did I already mention that we ate a lot of food? Way too much food!) It has a really neat theme that looks like it came straight out of the, you guessed it, 1950s. One of the metal-rimmed tables that we saw resembled one that my grandparents had when I was little.

So, in the spirit of theming, we had to make sure that we didn't put our elbows on the table, ate all our vegetables before getting dessert, etc. One time our server, "Aunt Jennifer," caught me with my elbows in the wrong place, and I had to wear a dunce cap that said "No Elbows." Marc got caught tattling, so he had to wear a hat that said "Tattle Tale." (That's what he gets for making fun of me!) 

As for food, I ordered the fried chicken with mashed potatoes and corn. For dessert, I chose Dad's Brownie Sundae that was sooo big and sooo good!

Marc ordered the meatloaf with mashed potatoes and gravy and green beans. He got a hot fudge sundae for dessert.

So, we left 50s Prime Time really stuffed! We had to leave Hollywood Studios, because every family in our group had to make room changes. (Long story on our end...) Later that night, we would rejoin each other at Magic Kingdom...My favorite!