October 9, 2008

Animal Kingdom - Part I

On Monday morning, we went to Animal Kingdom. This was the first time I had been to Animal Kingdom. The last time I was in Disney, they were just beginning the park, and the only thing you could see was the Tree of Life. So, it was pretty cool to go back and check on the park. Oh, and before we went, I just had to get a Mickey waffle for breakfast.

The first area we headed to was Asia, home of Expedition Everest. Disney was right on the money as far as theming goes! It was absolutely breathtaking! You really felt like you were in Nepal or Tibet and about ready to climb Mount Everest.

I rode on Expedition Everest twice. It was amazing! It starts off like a really cool roller coaster, but then you start going backward as you're trying to escape from the Yeti. At one point, the track is in the dark, and you're going backward. That's when I started to get a little sick. Yes, even the Dramamine couldn't save me this time.

When Marc and Adam got off the last ride, they shared a funny story about how a cast member wished them a Happy Anniversary. (Marc was wearing his anniversary pin, so I guess he figured they were together.) So, that's why they're making this goofy pose. 

So, next up was the Kilimanjaro Safari. I took a lot of pictures on that, so I decided to make it a separate post. Stay tuned!