October 3, 2008

Sunday's Lunch at Epcot

We decided to go to Epcot for lunch on Sunday, so everyone could pick out what they wanted. We boarded one of the Friendship boats and headed that way. It was a nice, relaxing ride. 

He wanted to go, too!

I knew exactly what I wanted...Fish and chips! Adam and Chris wanted the same thing, so the three of us went to England. Marc and Suzie went to Morocco, and Jana went to Mexico.

Adam, Chris, and I walked around England while we were waiting on the Yorkshire County Fish Shop to open. I took quite of few pictures, but these were my favorites:

And Chris took this picture:

Once the Fish Shop opened, we got our fish and chips. Yummy!

Marc ordered some time of wrap in Morocco. It came with hummus and couscous. Ooohhh...and baklava!

After lunch, I decided to walk ahead of the group and take some more pictures. These were taken from across the lake.

This was my first time ever to visit Epcot, and I really enjoyed it. Fortunately, we would have other days to explore further in the park!