October 15, 2008

I Smell Tar!

And right now, I feel like I'm going to have a permanent smell in my nose! Ugghh! 

A few weeks ago, roof contractors showed up at our school to replace the roof. They started on the south wing of the building and slowly tore away the old roof. Then they worked on the west wing. Now they have started working on the north wing, which is where my classroom is located. 

I could handle the weird sounds from feet on the roof. I could handle the loud booms when the workers dropped debris into the dumpster. I could handle the occasional dust wind, which by the way I have no idea what the dust was made of. (On second thought, maybe I should be worried about the dust.) I could handle the big trucks and equipment constantly passing by our window. I could handle the sight of a porta-potty across the lawn.

But there's one thing that I absolutely cannot stand:  The smell of hot, melted tar! I have had to smell that wretched smell everyday for the past few weeks. And each day it has gotten a little worse. Today, ugh today, it was so strong that I think it's permanently etched into my nose. I can even smell it on my clothes. I left school with a headache and a stuffy, burning nose. Both miraculously got better when I got home. Hmmmm...I wonder why? How can that stench not be harmful?

So, we're going to have to put up with this for a little while longer. Well, for a few more months. I can't even begin to imagine what it will be like when the dust starts falling from the ceiling down into our classroom (which is happening in the south wing rooms), and the workers begin pouring the hot tar on the roof above our heads. I just may have to take some sick days! I wonder how many I have left?