October 1, 2008

Sunday Morning at Disney's Hollywood Studios

On Sunday morning, we ate breakfast at our resort, then headed to Disney's Hollywood Studios, the park previously known as MGM. It wasn't busy at all, as you can tell from this picture:

We headed straight for Toy Story's Midway Mania, which is a new ride. We expected it to be really busy, so we got our Fast Passes and then got in line to ride. In typical Disney fashion, the theming was awesome! It was liking going back to our childhood and seeing toys and games that we grew up with. Such memories!

The ride was really fun! We used the first ride as a practice for the Golden Mickey tie breaker, then counted the next ride as the real thing. Adam beat me by quite a few points and became the Golden Mickey Champion! Congratulations, Adam!

After Midway Mania, we started walking back toward the front of the park. Marc decided that he wanted to buy a lanyard, so I went with him to look for one. Jana also decided to use the restroom, so Adam, Suzie, and Chris went to check out One Man's Dream. Well, lo and behold, the Dream Team was inside handing out Magical Moments Fast Passes. So, we missed out on getting a Magical Moment...the first of many missed opportunities!

After our letdown, we decided to head over to Epcot to get lunch. On our way out of the park, we saw Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, and Marc and Adam posed with them for a picture.

And one last picture of Jana, Joseph, and me:

In the next post, I'll pick up on our boat ride to Epcot and our wonderful lunch. Lots more pictures to come!