October 19, 2008

Oops, I Did It Again!

I really didn't realize how much pain I wasn't in until this afternoon. Since I had back surgery, I've had very little pain and what pain I did have went away very quickly. A catch here, a pull there. But now I remember what pain feels like, and it's not a good feeling!

On Thursday, I took my class to see Charlotte's Web at the Fantasy Playhouse. The first part of the play was about 45 minutes, followed my a 15-minute intermission, then the rest of the play was about 45 minutes. At the end of the play, I stood up to tell my class to remain seated. When I stood up, I felt a pain in my back that took my breath away. No big deal, I thought. It went away immediately.

Later that day, I was in the hallway watching my kids go to PE and turned to walk away. Again, I felt another pain...this one much worse, so bad that I let out a horrible sound and grabbed my back. It took me a few seconds to move, because it was hurting so bad. This time I got worried. What if I had ruptured another disc? Then the pain went away.

Fast forward today...My back began hurting again during church. It was off and on, so we continued with our plans. We ate lunch at PF Chang's, went to the Apple Store, and then to Michael's. Since we were on that side of town, we stopped by my parents' house. I told my mother what was happening, and she told me that she has those pains all the time. She also told me that the pains get worse as it gets colder. Great! 

So, I took some medicine and ended up sleeping most of the afternoon. My back does feel better now, but I think I'm going to take it easy for the next few days. Getting older stinks!