October 30, 2008


That's how I feel right now. Yesterday had to have been one of the hardest days of my life. We had to put our oldest dog, Guiedo, to sleep.

Marc and I rescued Guiedo as a puppy from animal control about a month before we got married in 1998. Someone had dropped him at a rest stop in Chattanooga, and a couple found him and brought him back to Huntsville. Unfortunately, their big dog kept attacking Guiedo, so they had to take him to the pound. When we found him, he had a big cut across his forehead. He was the sweetest little puppy, and although I was against it, we adopted him and took him home with us.

A few days later, he started to get very, very sick. We took him to the vet and found out that he had Parvo. Since he was so little, they told us he probably wouldn't survive, but we were already attached and were willing to do whatever needed to be done. He stayed with the vet for a week while they pumped him full of medicine. Then they finally told us that he was going to make it, much to their surprise. I picked him and took him home again.

The next month, Marc and I got married. Since Guiedo had just gotten over being sick, we took him with us. He even wore a bow tie at our reception! Everyone at our wedding fell in love with him, and he loved every minute of the attention.

Guiedo went on without a hitch until a few years ago when he developed a hernia. Again, he got very sick very fast, but our vet was able to do surgery to repair the damage. We knew then that if the hernia ever came back that it would not be able to repaired again. But we counted on the fact that we were "buying" a few more years with him.

Since then, the hernia has come and gone, but on Friday night we noticed that Guiedo was not feeling well. We debated about what to do, but agreed that as long as he didn't seem to be in pain, we would let nature take its course. On Tuesday night, though, he seemed to take a turn for the worst. We didn't want to take him to the emergency vet because he still wasn't showing any signs of being in pain. But he just wasn't himself.

Yesterday morning before I left for work, I went to check on him and tell him goodbye. He looked up at me with a look that told me all I needed to know. It was time to let him go. Somehow I made it through the morning, but I called Marc at lunch time and broke down. My wonderful principal told me that I could leave to spend some time with him before we had to take him to the vet. I sobbed all the way home.

When I got home, he had moved positions but didn't get up when I walked into the room. I got down on the floor with him and cried some more while I was petting him. I gave him a bone, and he ate it. Then I managed to get him into the living room so he could look out the front door, since he always loved doing that. Much to my surprise, he wanted to go outside so I took him. He stumbled down the steps and around the yard, then I took him back inside. He laid down on the floor, and I petted him until my mom came to stay with me.

A few minutes later, Marc came home. We fed Guiedo some fresh Krispy Kreme donuts and loved on him some more. By this time, he was shaking pretty badly. Marc asked him if he wanted to go outside again, and he stumbled to the door almost falling several times. He made it outside, and Marc laid out his blanket on the front yard.

When our appointment time got closer, Marc loaded Gueido and his blanket into the back of my mom's car and gave him one last donut. My mom drove them to the vet, because I didn't think I would be able to handle it. The vet agreed that it was time to let him go. Marc was able to hold Guiedo and pet him until he passed away.

I'm still very sad today and cry frequently. Part of it seems so surreal, but then I have to remind myself that we did the right thing. We needed to do what was right for him and not keep him here for selfish reasons. He had a good life, and he was the greatest dog ever. There will never be another one like him. 

I love you Guied-ster!

October 29, 2008

Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water, and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing: They each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together...

Author Unknown

October 28, 2008

A Visitor? A Worker?

As I turned the last corner this afternoon on my home, I saw this:

My first thought was "Cool...BellSouth is here to work on our DSL." Then, as I got closer, I started thinking that there was no way that BellSouth truck was going to get out of the ditch. Then I saw this:

And this:

And this:

Then I knew he wasn't going to be able to get out of the ditch!

This business truck (I blurred out all the names/numbers to protect the not-so-innocent.) was in our ditch when I got home. No one was around...just me wondering how on earth it came to end up in our ditch. Of course, I got the camera out and started clicking away. (I have to protect what little assets I have, right?) A few minutes later, an identical, although not quite so dented, truck pulled up in our driveway. I was a little scared to go outside at first, but I had Marc on the phone, and he wanted to know what had happened.

Seems like our neighbor across the street was getting ready to pull out of her driveway when the truck's driver spotted her and thought she was going to pull out in front of him. (Truth be known, he was probably going way too fast!) In order to "miss" her, he swerved and the truck dove into the ditch. And left this in its path:

It's a huge mess! Hopefully they will get it fixed soon. Marc says we're giving them 'til Thursday!

October 27, 2008

How Sweet!

I got a wonderful surprise at work this morning. Marc sent me these beautiful flowers! Isn't he the greatest husband ever? Love ya, honey!

October 25, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Marc!

Today is someone's 39th birthday! (He thought he was turning 40 and was pretty relieved to find out he was only 39!) 

We're leaving in a few minutes and going to Nashville for the day. My parents are riding up there with us, and we're going to meet my sister at Steamboat Bill's for lunch. I'm sure it will be a fun-filled day!

October 24, 2008

10 Years!

Today is our 10th anniversary! I can't believe it's already been that long, because it seems like just yesterday that I walked down the aisle to marry my best friend. And wow what a ten years it's been! While not everything has gone exactly as I planned, I wouldn't change a thing. 

Here's to 50 more!

October 19, 2008

Oops, I Did It Again!

I really didn't realize how much pain I wasn't in until this afternoon. Since I had back surgery, I've had very little pain and what pain I did have went away very quickly. A catch here, a pull there. But now I remember what pain feels like, and it's not a good feeling!

On Thursday, I took my class to see Charlotte's Web at the Fantasy Playhouse. The first part of the play was about 45 minutes, followed my a 15-minute intermission, then the rest of the play was about 45 minutes. At the end of the play, I stood up to tell my class to remain seated. When I stood up, I felt a pain in my back that took my breath away. No big deal, I thought. It went away immediately.

Later that day, I was in the hallway watching my kids go to PE and turned to walk away. Again, I felt another pain...this one much worse, so bad that I let out a horrible sound and grabbed my back. It took me a few seconds to move, because it was hurting so bad. This time I got worried. What if I had ruptured another disc? Then the pain went away.

Fast forward today...My back began hurting again during church. It was off and on, so we continued with our plans. We ate lunch at PF Chang's, went to the Apple Store, and then to Michael's. Since we were on that side of town, we stopped by my parents' house. I told my mother what was happening, and she told me that she has those pains all the time. She also told me that the pains get worse as it gets colder. Great! 

So, I took some medicine and ended up sleeping most of the afternoon. My back does feel better now, but I think I'm going to take it easy for the next few days. Getting older stinks!

October 15, 2008

I Smell Tar!

And right now, I feel like I'm going to have a permanent smell in my nose! Ugghh! 

A few weeks ago, roof contractors showed up at our school to replace the roof. They started on the south wing of the building and slowly tore away the old roof. Then they worked on the west wing. Now they have started working on the north wing, which is where my classroom is located. 

I could handle the weird sounds from feet on the roof. I could handle the loud booms when the workers dropped debris into the dumpster. I could handle the occasional dust wind, which by the way I have no idea what the dust was made of. (On second thought, maybe I should be worried about the dust.) I could handle the big trucks and equipment constantly passing by our window. I could handle the sight of a porta-potty across the lawn.

But there's one thing that I absolutely cannot stand:  The smell of hot, melted tar! I have had to smell that wretched smell everyday for the past few weeks. And each day it has gotten a little worse. Today, ugh today, it was so strong that I think it's permanently etched into my nose. I can even smell it on my clothes. I left school with a headache and a stuffy, burning nose. Both miraculously got better when I got home. Hmmmm...I wonder why? How can that stench not be harmful?

So, we're going to have to put up with this for a little while longer. Well, for a few more months. I can't even begin to imagine what it will be like when the dust starts falling from the ceiling down into our classroom (which is happening in the south wing rooms), and the workers begin pouring the hot tar on the roof above our heads. I just may have to take some sick days! I wonder how many I have left?

October 13, 2008

Tuesday's Rope Drop at Magic Kingdom

On Tuesday morning, we all met up at the Animal Kingdom Lodge before heading over to Magic Kingdom's rope drop. We look alert and ready to go:

When we got to Magic Kingdom, there was a pretty good crowd already. This was the first time I'd ever been to a rope drop, so I was pretty excited to see what was going to happen.

While we were waiting, we enjoyed seeing the pumpkins....

and more pumpkins...

and even more pumpkins!  (Did I mention that fall is my favorite time of year, and I loved all the decorations?)

Finally, the mayor of city hall came out and got the festivities started.

These folks put on a little show...Good morning, good morning, to you and you and you.

Then the train arrived with all the characters! We saw Mickey, 

Geppetto, Jiminy Cricket, Alice, 

Pluto, Chip, and Dale. What a morning!

And a few seconds later, the gates were open, and we were on our way!

Back to Work!

Today was my first day back at work after Fall Break. It was really hard to get up this morning, but that's probably because I didn't go to sleep last night until about 11:30. I felt like I kind of just "existed" today. The kids were really tired, too. That made it easier on all of us!

So, my next day off will be on November 3 when I have jury duty. Sounds goofy, but I'm really looking forward to serving. Marc has lived in Huntsville for 10 years, and he's been called twice. I've lived here all my life, and this is the first time I've been called. Since I have ultra-conservative views, I'll probably be dismissed the first day. Then we have an inservice day on November 4...ugh!

October 9, 2008

Monday Night at Epcot

After Animal Kingdom, we went back to our rooms to freshen up. I really didn't feel good at that point, so I took a little catnap. Since we were going to Cape May for dinner, the dinner that Marc was really looking forward to, I forced myself to get up and go. (And I would regret it later...)

We took the Friendship boats over to the Beach Club for dinner. Afterwards, the sun was beginning to set, and I was able to get some great pictures!

Cute bunny!

We got to Epcot via another Friendship boat. This is a picture of France taken from England.

Mo'Rockin in (you guessed it...) Morocco!

Also in Morocco...

Now we're movin' to Italy!

A beautiful fountain in Italy

Does this qualify as a Hidden Mickey?

Spaceship Earth

Another close-up of Spaceship Earth. I love how clear and crisp this picture is.

And of course the obligatory pose!

We also watched Illuminations, and I took a bunch of pictures. However, they didn't really come out too well, so I'm not going to post them. Maybe next time I'll skip the pictures and just watch the show. 

Later that night, I got very sick, and I was up for most of the night. I won't go into all the lovely details, but it wasn't pretty, and I never want to go back to Flame Tree! So there!

Finding Nemo: The Musical

After lunch at Flame Tree, we went to see Finding Nemo: The Musical. If I had to pick a favorite show, this one had to be it. As you can see, the puppeteers were in full view, but after a couple of seconds, you completely forgot they were on stage. 

Below is a mixture of my pictures and ones that Chris sent. I'm still learning about all the features on my camera and how to work them, so I wasn't too pleased with most of my pictures.

Like I said, this show was outstanding! Now, on to Epcot!

Animal Kingdom - Part IV

So, after Lion King we decided to eat lunch. Along the way, I took this picture with Everest in the distance.

The little princesses...At least that's what it says on their hats!

Marc doing the safari dance:

I loved these giraffes!

We also spotted Daisy, Huey, Dewey, and Louie.

They must be on their way to meet Donald,

Pluto, Mickey, and Goofy.

We went to Flame Tree for lunch. Everyone on DisBoards kept raving about how great they were, so I was pretty excited to try them. They were a little on the greasy side, but still okay. The big ol' corn muffin was really good, as was the key lime pie. Mmmmm...key lime pie. Marc ate the beans. We sat in a nice, quiet little area with a great view of Expedition Everest behind us. And we didn't see any of those pesky ducks that everyone kept warning us about.

We also ordered some onion rings. They were really good, too.

The little frog pond close to our lunch spot. Look at those HUGE lily pads! 

This picture of Everest was taken as we were leaving our little lunch spot. Notice the riders climbing the side!

Chris took this picture of Marc and me. Love it!

This picture was taken on the ride Dinosaur. Could I look any more stupid? Suzie and Chris pointed to the dinosaur...Adam was looking straight ahead...Marc looks terrified...and Karen is ducking! Oh well!

After lunch, we watched Finding Nemo: The Musical and then headed back to our resorts to freshen up. Later on, we all met back up at Epcot.