May 2, 2008

Fried Pickles and Ice Cream

On Thursday, Marc and I joined a gym! We are trying to get in shape for our upcoming Disney trip and thought it would be a great idea. So, after we joined on Thursday, we worked out for about an hour. I walked on the treadmill for 30 3.5 miles per hour, which I thought was pretty good. Then I did the strength exercises that I learned while I was in rehab. I felt really good afterward! I also lost 6 lbs. this week!

Then, last night happened! Marc and I went out to eat with some friends after a long, stress-filled day. The restaurant that we went to had fried pickles! I have such a weakness for fried pickles, even though I don't even like plain pickles...go figure! So, of course I ordered some thinking everyone would share them, but I ended up eating most of them myself. Then, I ordered a chicken sandwich with the thought that I would take half of it home to eat today. Oh no! Somewhere in the mix, that thought got lost, and I ate the WHOLE thing along with a WHOLE basket of onion strings! But it was soooo good!

Then, someone in our group came up with the brilliant idea of ordering dessert...I'm not naming any names! Then someone else in the group decided that he wanted ice cream, so off to Cold Stone Creamery we went. Since this was the first time I had ever been there, I had no idea what to expect. So I ordered a medium...Gotta Love It...cup of Peanut Butter Cup Perfection ice cream! It was chocolate ice cream mixed with Reese's cups, fudge, and peanut butter. Can you say rich? But, since I had already been so gluttonous, I devoured the WHOLE cup! Anyone see a trend here?

So, this morning when I weighed, I had gained two lbs. back! Uggghhh! Of course, I didn't go to the gym yesterday, but I spent the whole day on a hiking field trip with a bunch of wild 2nd graders. But, obviously I didn't move enough to work off all those calories I consumed yesterday! Oh well...there's always Monday!