May 17, 2008

Another Car?

Marc and I buy cars like some people buy underwear. In the almost ten years that we have been married, we've bought 12 vehicles. That averages out to 1.2 cars a year. In our typical fashion, we bought another car yesterday. Marc had been looking around for something to replace his Ford F-150, which was guzzling gas like a drunk at a bar during happy hour. It was getting a whopping 14 miles to the gallon, and with gas approaching $4.00 a gallon, it had to be replaced. We figured that it was costing almost $20.00 a day for him to get back and forth to work, since he has to cross the mountain twice every day. Uggghhh!

So, Marc decided to get a 2007 Mercury Milan. We were able to get a great deal on it, and the best thing about it: It's getting a whopping 27 miles per gallon. That's double what his truck was getting! Here it is:

It's completely loaded, and it drives really nice. It's the first car that Marc has owned that has leather, and he is so excited about that! Plus, now he can drive to work and not worry about all the money he is spending on gas. What a relief!