May 27, 2008

Beautiful Reminders

The other day when I was outside, I noticed that the flowers in my grandparents' yard were in full bloom. My grandmother was always known for her green thumb and love of flowers. She passed that love to my mother who has since passed it on to me.

Since Marc and I live across the street from where they lived, I still get to enjoy her flowering plants, even though she passed away several years ago. Today, I decided to take some pictures of the flowers. 

These flowers are a reminder of all the days I spent at my grandparents' house when I was growing up. I'd play with my cousins, who were all older than me, for hours and hours. We had so much fun together, although there were the occasional fights. 

All of us girls would beg to spend the night at my grandparents' house. We'd all pile up in big bed that seemed a mile high off the floor, and they'd bribe us to go to sleep by promising us a "Yankee dime" when we woke up, which was really a kiss. We'd wake up to a wonderful breakfast of biscuits, sausage, and fried potatoes. Since I didn't like the chocolate syrup that my grandmother would make, my grandfather would mix honey and butter for me to spread on my biscuits. He'd also make me hot chocolate and let me drink it from a bowl, so it would cool faster. I thought that was so cool! 

After playing all day, we'd sit on the front porch swings and watch the sun go down behind Green Mountain, all the while smelling the beautiful flowers that my grandmother had planted along with the wild honeysuckle. Why can't days be that simple now?