November 28, 2008

To the Market We Will Go

Ever since I've known Marc's stepmom, she's talked about taking me to Canton Market's First Monday. So, on Friday morning at 7:00, we hit the road for the hour and a half drive to Canton. Marc and his dad were nice enough to tag along, although I'm sure they weren't thrilled to be there.

Canton Market is basically a gigantic flea market. Most of it is indoors, but there are hundreds of outdoor tents as well. The items for sale range from junky stuff to designer decorator stuff. It was amazing!

There were scads of women pushing around their little shopping carts like these:

We're talking serious, heavy-duty shoppers that had these little carts filled to the top. CJ, Marc's stepmom, walked out with several bags full of goodies. I, however, only walked out with three Christmas ornaments. I was so proud of myself!

After we dropped off the guys, we decided to head over to Home Goods to do some shopping. I usually have to travel to Birmingham to shop at Home Goods, so I jumped at the chance to go there. I ended up only getting a few things there, too. But, I was able to scope out some stuff to buy after Christmas!

We made a quick stop at Marshall's and Michaels before heading home. I was so tired by the time we got there! All this shopping is wearing me out!