November 5, 2008

Cussin' and Crotch-Grabbin'

Well, I just got home from serving on a jury, and I can now discuss the case. Let me just say that I've heard enough cussin' and seen enough crotch-grabbing in the past three days to last me a lifetime!

As I said earlier, I reported for jury duty on Monday. I was among the first group of people to be interviewed by the attorneys that were trying a civil case. By about 10:00 or so that morning, I was chosen to be on that jury. I was really excited to hear my name called! We were chosen to hear a civil case about property lines, negligence, harassment, and invasion of privacy. So it was going to be an interesting case.

We heard the opening arguments from each attorney, then we recessed for lunch. When we got back from lunch, we listened to testimony until about 5:00 and then were allowed to go home. The judge let us arrive late yesterday morning, and he let us leave early so that we would have a chance to vote. In between those times, though, we listened to more testimony and watched about 45 minutes of videos. We then listened to the closing arguments and recessed for the day.

This morning, we reconvened to listen to the charges and the laws related to those charges. Then we went into deliberations for over two hours! We broke for lunch, then came back to read our verdicts to the judge.

Now during the trial, we heard a lot of cursing from one of the defendants and had to watch several vulgar crotch-grabbing scenes on video. So, we kind of had an idea that the same defendant was a hot-head. Then yesterday, while he was being cross-examined, he had a meltdown on the stand and accused the prosecuting attorney of using his power to have him arrested on false charges due to a scheme with the city to make more money. I was like "Huh?" He was also reprimanded by the judge on several occasions, so it made for an interesting trial.

While the verdicts were being read, you could tell that the hot-headed defendant was getting pretty steamed. It was a little scary, but I had to keep reminding myself that the courthouse is loaded with deputies. Anyway, as I was leaving the courthouse, the defendant was standing outside smoking a cigarette and talking on his cellphone. He made it a point to announce very loudly that he thought that we were crazy for awarding the plaintiffs that "B.S. money." (We awarded damages in the amount of $2300...He got off pretty light if you ask me.) I walked away as quickly as I could. I figure he'll probably be steaming for a few days.

So, I've had my excitement for the week. Tomorrow, it's back to work!