November 14, 2008

Huh? Jonas Brothers?

Marc and I have been going to the Dallas Cowboys Thanksgiving Day football game with Marc's dad and stepmom for several years. It's our annual tradition to go out to breakfast, head to the stadium, watch the game, and then have Turkey Day dinner when we get home. While I miss being away from my family, I really enjoy spending time with Marc's family in Fort Worth.

Each year, the Cowboys put on an awesome half-time show. I've seen Beyonce, Sheryl Crow, Carrie Underwood, and Kelly Clarkson to name a few. So, I was really excited to see who was going to perform at this year's show. Then the excitement went away...The Jonas Brothers? What? How could that be? Surely I read that wrong. Nope, it's The Jonas Brothers.

Now, I have eight girls this year in my second grade class. I had 10 girls last year. So, it's pretty safe to say that I have heard of The Jonas Brothers. In fact, I hear one of their names on a daily basis. They're right up there with Hannah Montana. However, I can't name one song that they sing. I can't name one of Hannah Montana's either. Maybe it's just selective memory.

So, today during class, I told my girls that they were going to be so jealous of me. Then I had them guess who I was going to be seeing at the game. First guess...Hannah Montana. Second guess...The Jonas Brothers. Then the blood-curdling screams began! I was right, they were jealous. So, I promised to take lots of pictures to show them.
I wouldn't be honest if I said I wasn't bummed when I found out who was performing. For some reason, I have a funny feeling that the game is going to be crawling with tween girls waiting to catch a glimpse of one of the brothers. I'm sure they're thrilled about The Jonas Brothers. Me...not so much!