August 23, 2008

The New Napoleon Dynamite

Marc and I watched a movie today called The Sasquatch Gang. It was made by the same people who made Napoleon Dynamite, and it is hilarious! (Uncle Rico plays the Big Foot hunting cop.) It has a lot of the same type of humor, and Marc and I laughed so much while we were watching it. You'll have to check it out!

August 21, 2008

Now This is More Like It!

We are finally settling down at work and each day seems to be getting a little better. Today was a really good day, and I felt a sense of accomplishment. I had to give the first reading test from the new series today, and it went really well. So, I guess all the hard work is paying off, and the kids are learning what they need to know.

Two of the kids really cracked me up today. One of the kids, Bud, insisted on being called Boudreau (boo-DRO). I laughed so hard when he told me that in an ultra-serious voice. Another one of the boys told me that he was starting to get "guns." I did a double-take on that one and asked him what he was talking about, thinking surely his parents were getting him guns. Then he told me he was talking about his arm muscles. I had to really contain myself on that one, so I didn't burst out laughing. This is more like what I'm used to teaching 2nd graders. Every day is different, and it's never boring!

August 19, 2008

Taking It One Day at a Time

Today was another stressful day at work. I really don't know why I'm having a hard time this year, but I have a sneaking suspicion that it has a lot to do with being overwhelmed with our new Reading series. It's really taking a lot of prep work, and I'm having to stay late at work almost every day. So, by the time I get home, I'm exhausted and wired at the same time. That's also causing me not to get a lot of sleep at night. It's a never-ending cycle. I can only pray that it will get better with each passing day.

Marc had more dental work done this morning. Hopefully, the worst is over! He's in a little bit of pain. Dr. Kimbrough called tonight to check on him (one of the reasons we LOVE Dr. Denton!) and told him that was normal, and if the pain didn't go away in a couple of days, to come in. I'm sure everything will be okay in a few days. 

When I got home this afternoon, Marc gave me a clear folder that contained all of our Disney vacation vouchers and information. It came in the mail today! I was so excited to get that folder, because that means Disney is only a few days away...31 to be exact! I'm really looking forward to celebrating our 10th anniversary at Disney! 

As one of my students said this afternoon, "Tomorrow will be a better day."

August 17, 2008

I Knew I Liked Her For a Reason

I have finally gotten into this year's Big Brother. In this post, I talked about how I liked Renny, because most of the other houseguests did little things that got on my nerves. So this week, Renny is the Head of Household. During tonight's episode, they showed her in the H.O.H. room talking to the other folks. And this is what she was wearing:

Love it! I knew she was an LSU fan, but I had no idea she would be wearing an Auburn shirt. Does it get any better than that? Well, I guess it does...she nominated April and Jerry, my two least favorite players! Oh, and if hear April say one more time that she is a good person, I think I'm gonna scream! I really hope she's going home on Thursday!

August 16, 2008

Building Immunity

Well, only a week and half into the school year, and Marc has caught his first cold. He was feeling a little under the weather Wednesday and Thursday, but it finally hit him in full force yesterday. He called me after work and at first I didn't recognize his voice. Then I figured out that it was him, and I could barely hear him. Poor guy! It takes a few years in a school to build up a good immunity to all the junk that goes around.

Marc has been trying to rest as much as he can, but he can't use his CPAP machine because his nose is so stuffy. That's making it more difficult on him. He's also taking doses of Emergen-C. That seems to be really helping. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who has a cold.

So, while Marc's resting, I'm going to try to get the house cleaned up and run some errands. What a way to spend a Saturday!

August 14, 2008

Is It Friday Yet?

This has been a particularly stressful week at school. We've been making some changes, and I don't adapt well at all to change. We recently adopted a new Reading series, and it has to be the hardest book to follow that I've ever seen. Today, though, I made a sheet that hopefully my teammates, as well as the rest of the school, can follow. I'm really hoping that next week's lesson plans go smoothly.

We also made some staff changes. We lost a 4th grade unit due to low numbers. We didn't see it coming, so we were shocked. So, one of the 4th grade teachers is moving down to 2nd grade, which means that I lost one of my teammates. She's transferring to Providence. We're really sad to see her go, but I think she'll be happy over there. 

So, hopefully there won't be any more changes for awhile. I've got more than I can handle right now! I need a weekend really bad!

August 12, 2008

Is Someone Trying To Tell Me Something?

Okay, now I really feel old! I was at the grocery store this afternoon and ran into the mother of one of my all-time favorite students. I asked her mother how she was doing and what grade she was in now. I was thinking maybe eighth or ninth. She's a JUNIOR! I could hardly believe it! She's going to graduate next year! I better go put on some anti-wrinkle cream!

August 10, 2008

I Feel So Old!

Tonight, our Life Group went to dinner at Zaxby's. When I started to order, the girl at the counter was giving me a strange look. Then, she said "Didn't you teach at _____________ School?" I said yes, and she told me her name. She was in a class that I team-taught in my second year of school. She just graduated from high school, and I didn't even recognize her. I feel so old! Then I thought about my first group of third graders and realized that they are about 19 years old now. And my first group of first graders just went into the 6th grade, as did my first group of second graders. (Same bunch of kids) Ugh....Where did the time go?

Jessie's Gone!

Good news! Jessie has been evicted from the Big Brother house! I finally got caught up on all the shows that I had taped on DVR, and I'm so glad he is gone. What an arrogant, cocky dude...Blech! Even in his post-eviction interview, he came across as really being stuck on himself. I thought it was hilarious when he said he wasn't arrogant, but in a word association game, when Julie said his name, he said "The Man." How funny!

I really haven't found anyone worth rooting for on this year's season. I think Renny is really funny, but most of the houseguest do little things that get on my nerves. Libra is as two-faced as they come. Keesha's whiney voice drives me crazy, as well Jerry's raspy voice. April is annoying, but I can't put my finger on it. Michelle pitches too many fits and tries to act tough. And Dan needs to get a backbone and not be so wishy-washy. Ollie and Memphis are just kind of flying under the radar, but I can't say that I dislike them. I love the way Memphis is playing both sides.

This morning, I watched last night's episode of Big Brother After Dark. There was a lot of tension and fighting going on. I finally had to stop playing it, because Keesha's nasally high-pitched voice was wearing me out. Tonight's BB10 episode should be a good one, though!

August 7, 2008

Disney World, Here We Come!

We only have 44 more days until our trip to Disney World! I paid the remaining balance yesterday, so we are now PAID IN FULL! Now, if I can only stand the wait!

A Rough Start and a Better Second Day

Well, yesterday was pretty rough as far as first days go. I have a good class, but they're a little "busy." I told them all about our rules and routines, and we did a few ice-breaker activities. It was a long, hectic day, and the kids were really tired by the end of the day. I was tired myself and just wanted to crash when I got home, but I had to teach class at church. (Whew! That's a whole 'nother story in itself.)

Today was much better. We seem to be quickly getting into a routine, which is good. The kids were following my procedures and seemed to be catching on. These first few days are so crucial to a successful year. 

We also began doing baseline testing today. The testing will go on until at least the end of next week, then I can really start teaching. That's what I'm looking forward to!

August 6, 2008

Today's the Day!

I'm getting ready to leave for the first day of school. I'm nervous and excited at the same time! Even when I was a child, I would get myself worked into such a frenzy for the first day of school that I would end up getting sick by the end of the day. Funny how things like that never change.

On Monday and Tuesday, we had to attend workshops for our new reading series. Both days I came home on the verge of tears. I couldn't catch my breath, and I felt like I was having an anxiety attack. It was bad enough to be stressed out about the first day of school, but then we had all kinds of new stuff thrown at us for the new series. I wanted to scream during one of the meetings, and our wonderful principal knew we were getting stressed and encouraged us to scream at the top of our lungs. I'm sure visitors thought we'd lost our minds! I tried to leave all my stress at the door and not take it home with me. Of course I couldn't, but I tried! 

So, here's to a great first day!

August 3, 2008

10 Years Ago This Month...

1. Marc had just moved down here from Connecticut. We had a long-distance relationship for almost a year, so I was really glad when he finally made the move!

2. I had just moved out of my parents' house and into my very first apartment. That was a huge adjustment to make. The Laundry Fairy didn't make any visits, and I had to wash my own clothes!

3.  I was about to begin my first "real" teaching job. I was hired to teach a pilot program called P.O.W.E.R. (Positive Options While Experiencing Readiness) I had seven 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders who had basically been kicked out of their regular classes for various reasons. It was a lot of work, but I'd do it again in a second. I learned so much that year.

4. I was two and a half months away from getting married. (Lots of big changes that year...) We had a very simple wedding, but it was out of town which made planning difficult.

Looking back, that August was a huge month in my life. So many changes were happening that would shape my life. I wish I could do it all over again!

August 2, 2008

Missing Him

Marc left yesterday afternoon to spend the weekend in Guntersville for a guys' weekend. Even though he's just been gone a little over 24 hours, I miss him so much. 

Last night, our Bunco group got together, so I was able to keep busy. Then today, I had to work in my classroom, so that kept me busy. But tonight has been so quiet and lonely. I'm trying to find things to do like cleaning and baking to keep my mind occupied. I don't like being home alone. I miss my Marc! He'll be home tomorrow morning!