August 6, 2008

Today's the Day!

I'm getting ready to leave for the first day of school. I'm nervous and excited at the same time! Even when I was a child, I would get myself worked into such a frenzy for the first day of school that I would end up getting sick by the end of the day. Funny how things like that never change.

On Monday and Tuesday, we had to attend workshops for our new reading series. Both days I came home on the verge of tears. I couldn't catch my breath, and I felt like I was having an anxiety attack. It was bad enough to be stressed out about the first day of school, but then we had all kinds of new stuff thrown at us for the new series. I wanted to scream during one of the meetings, and our wonderful principal knew we were getting stressed and encouraged us to scream at the top of our lungs. I'm sure visitors thought we'd lost our minds! I tried to leave all my stress at the door and not take it home with me. Of course I couldn't, but I tried! 

So, here's to a great first day!