August 10, 2008

Jessie's Gone!

Good news! Jessie has been evicted from the Big Brother house! I finally got caught up on all the shows that I had taped on DVR, and I'm so glad he is gone. What an arrogant, cocky dude...Blech! Even in his post-eviction interview, he came across as really being stuck on himself. I thought it was hilarious when he said he wasn't arrogant, but in a word association game, when Julie said his name, he said "The Man." How funny!

I really haven't found anyone worth rooting for on this year's season. I think Renny is really funny, but most of the houseguest do little things that get on my nerves. Libra is as two-faced as they come. Keesha's whiney voice drives me crazy, as well Jerry's raspy voice. April is annoying, but I can't put my finger on it. Michelle pitches too many fits and tries to act tough. And Dan needs to get a backbone and not be so wishy-washy. Ollie and Memphis are just kind of flying under the radar, but I can't say that I dislike them. I love the way Memphis is playing both sides.

This morning, I watched last night's episode of Big Brother After Dark. There was a lot of tension and fighting going on. I finally had to stop playing it, because Keesha's nasally high-pitched voice was wearing me out. Tonight's BB10 episode should be a good one, though!