October 4, 2009

Sunday at Magic Kingdom

We started off our first full day at Magic Kingdom. Since we had breakfast reservations before park opening, we were able to stop and take a few pictures of Scott, Kristi, William, and Kimberly in front of the castle.

Our next stop was Crystal Palace, which is a must do for each trip. There's no way I could do without the french toast puffs with honey and the potato casserole. Super yummy!

We got to visit with my best friend, Eeyore!

After breakfast, we made a beeline for Fantasyland. We rode Dumbo before the line got too long and then did some other rides. We were surprised that it was too busy, and the waits for the rides were under 15 minutes. I've never seen Peter Pan with such a short wait time.

For this trip, Marc persuaded me to try a Transderm patch to fight off motion sickness. I was really excited to try some of the rides I haven't been able to ride in years. First off...the ultimate test...the Teacups!

The seem so cute....

So innocent...

So colorful! But I know the truth! These babies can ruin a day in less than a minute! But I decided to be brave and try them anyway.

Kristi, Kimberly, and Suzie:

William and Scott:

I'm happy to report that the patch worked beautifully, and I didn't get the least bit sick after riding. I was also able to sit through Mickey's Philharmagic without getting sick. (Something about that magic carpet ride gets me every time!) Unfortunately, a few days later I would learn why it's important to always read the directions when taking a new medication. Bad side effects!

We made the rounds in the rest of the park. The crowds stayed low, and the weather was beautiful...something we would desperately miss later in the week!