October 29, 2009

I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watching Me

Tonight I did a little Halloween baking for our classroom party tomorrow afternoon. I made orange Creamsicle cupcakes with Creamsicle-flavored icing. I found these cute but kinda creepy eyeball rings to match the liners.

I have one student in my classroom who is allergic to red dye. I was not thinking when I made the cupcakes and finally remembered the allergy when I was getting ready to add the purple dye to the icing. Oops! I guess you need both red and yellow to make orange dye.

I scooped up a couple of spoonfuls of white icing and tried to come up with an alternative. Do you know how hard it is to come up with something Halloween when one of the main holiday colors is orange? I was about ready to mix up a smaller batch of cupcake batter when it hit me to make him a icing-filled cookie. (Think Double Doozie from The Cookie Company!)

I made a batch of chocolate chip cookie dough and baked just enough to make two rather large cookies. I froze the rest of the cookie dough for a later time. After the cookies cooled and were iced, I dipped them in (non-orange) Halloween sprinkles. This was the finished product:

Of course, the kids couldn't understand why this one child got a cookie, and they only got a lousy cupcake, no matter how much I tried to explain that he has an allergy. I ended up promising them a batch of cookies in the near future. (And I may need to make some for Marc and me, too!)