June 7, 2009

Our New Home Away from Home

Marc and I decided to check out the DVC resort where we bought, Animal Kingdom Kidani Village. (This time legally...) We were excited to see what we bought into. Our first stop was the pool. It looks so nice and relaxing. Eventually, you'll be able to see the savannah from the pool.

This is the kids' play area. I hope it's for big kids, too, because I know Marc is dying to try it out!

Also part of the kids' play area:

Love, love, love the snakes...They hiss water! There are also flowers that shoot water, but I couldn't get a picture of them. Each time I tried, they would shoot water at me.

This is a picture of the lobby from the observation deck. I love that everything looks authentic!

The observation deck:

There were a ton of giraffes! 

Close-up of one of the big guys:

The giraffe on the left is one of the babies. There is another one, but I didn't get a picture of him on this day. He has a big tuft of hair on his head, so he's easy to spot.

A few days later, Marc and I checked into AKV and saw the animals from our deck. Totally different experience!


To whom it may consern... said...

sorry this is so random but i was just looking through blogs when i came across yours... and i must say yours has to be the cutest blog i have ever seen!!