June 8, 2009

Breakfast at Crystal Palace

On Tuesday, we went against the recommended park plans and ate breakfast at Crystal Palace. It has become a must-do for each trip. I get to see my favorite Disney characters, and Marc gets to eat. See, it works for both of us!

My favorite guy:

Marc joking about Swine Flu with Piglet. (I don't think Piglet thought it was very funny!)

Tigger and me:

Disney, in their infinite wisdom, charges holiday prices from mid-May until mid-July. I guess they figure people eat more on Memorial Day, Flag Day, and the 4th of July. (Am I missing any holidays?) So, we were charged an extra $8 for eating at the end of May. By the time we added the tip, our breakfast was $60. We weren't on the dining plan at this point, so this was out of pocket. Yikes!

After breakfast, the crowds at Magic Kingdom were crazy big! We decided it would probably be better to skip the parks altogether and have a down day. We hopped on a boat headed to Wilderness Lodge.

It was a nice, relaxing ride over there. We walked around Wilderness Lodge and enjoyed the scenery. We also found this cute little mouse:

Speaking of home, we decided to head back to the resort to do some laundry. Fun, I know!