June 9, 2009

A Laid Back Day

We started off Wednesday with a visit to Animal Kingdom. We got Fast Passes for Expedition Everest, then headed over to Dino Land. We rode Primeval Whirl three times in a row. It wasn't busy, so they just let us stay on. 

Note to self: It's not a good idea to ride Primeval Whirl three times in a row. It does something to your balance. I had taken Dramamine, and I was a little sick to my stomach. Marc, who never ever gets motion sick, was also feeling a little drunk by the end. After that, we decided to take it easy and just walk around for a few minutes.

After we got over the waves of nausea, Marc rode Expedition Everest twice in a row. He used his Fast Pass, then he used mine. There was no way I was getting on that ride! I'd just gotten over feeling sick, and I wasn't about to get sick again!

After Expedition Everest, we walked around and end up by Tamu Tamu Refreshments. Everyone was walking away from the counter with these huge bagel breakfast sandwiches, so we decided to get one. I spotted a Hidden Mickey while we were in line:

By this point, the park was starting to get crowded, and it was hot. We decided to head back to the resort to freshen up and then head over to Winter Park to try a new restaurant. We followed the directions on our GPS, and it led us to the turnpike. Since I was expecting it, I had plenty of $1 bills. So, as we approach our exit, we notice that it's an exact coins exit. No problem, the toll is $1, and we have plenty of singles. 

We get to the exit, and it's not a manned toll booth....and you can only pay with quarters. Great! We had no idea what to do! That started the wild search for one, I repeat one, more quarter. Since we couldn't find one, we had to drive through the toll booth. The buzzer started going off. It was crazy! We called to find out what to do and were told that they would send us a citation. (We still haven't seen it!)

Back to the restaurant...Marc heard about Boston's Fish House on a DIS Unplugged Podcast. It was supposed to be real, authentic New England seafood. 

And it was! Marc was ecstatic when they brought out these little beauties:

We decided to split a seafood platter, since Marc had ordered the clams. I forgot to take a picture before we started eating, but the plate was piled high with seafood and the best onion rings I've ever tasted! You can tell we were stuffed, because there were still rings left on the plate!

After lunch, we made sure we had four quarters and headed back to Disney. We went to the Welcome Home Wednesday meeting in hopes of getting Marc a DVC hat. 

We ended up with some cheesy reusable grocery bag things. Hideous! Marc was so disappointed! Oh well, there's always next time.