June 13, 2009

A Day at Hollywood Studios

We knew we were in for something special when we saw this on our way into Hollywood Studios:

There was a HUGE line to the right, but we went past them and got in line at the turnstiles. (We were the second group in line!) Several minutes passed, and we heard some commotion overhead.  We backed up and saw a Storm Trooper standing on the roof:

There were several of them up there, and they put on a little show for everyone, but being that I've never seen Star Wars (gasp!), I had no idea what was going on. It was pretty cool, though. Later in the day, they had a Star Wars parade, and it was very, very strange interesting. I couldn't believe the amount of people, regular people not actors, that were dressed up in Star Wars costumes. Very odd!

As we were passing by the Star Wars parade line, Marc called me back to look at something. He found Lou who was from Branford, CT. Branford is a tiny, little shoreline community of about 28,000 people. (Compared to about 387,000 in Huntsville.) The odds of actually running into someone from Branford was pretty low, but they managed to find each other. 

They talked for awhile...diners they liked, people they knew, things they can/can't say in the South. It was hilarious! Lou was quite a guy!

We started to make our way over to Magic Kingdom to eat lunch and stopped for a minute to watch a street show. Before long, Marc and I got called into it to sing "You Are My Sunshine." Thank goodness we knew the words, because Marc plays that song on his ukulele all the time. After the show, we received our awards, which Marc is wearing but is covered by the uke. It was a plastic golden trophy...kinda like Mardi Gras beads. Very cute!

Marc also got a chance to play a uke with one of the performers. We always see this guy around the park, but since he was in the show, Marc got a chance to talk to him. It was funny, because he stayed in character the ENTIRE time! So funny!

We had a blast in Hollywood Studios today! 


Jana said...

You've never seen STAR WARS???