December 30, 2008

Real Pizza

Last night, Marc and I decided to grab some pizza from Marco for dinner. Of course, Marc ordered his white clam pizza, and I ordered a well-done bacon pizza. They were so yummy!

White Clam Pizza

Well-Done Bacon Pizza

Today for lunch, we met up with one of Marc's best friends, his wife, and son. We went to Pepe's Pizza, which is a must-visit for each trip. Mike, Travina, and Ryan ordered a large half cheese/half chicken pizza, Marc ordered a small a white clam pizza, and I ordered a small well-done bacon pizza without mozzarella. 

Pepe's Pizzeria in New Haven, CT

The Old Pepe's Sign

Half Cheese/Half Chicken Pizza

White Clam Pizza

"Well-Done" Bacon Pizza
(That wasn't so well-done!)

I have to say that this was the first time I've ever been disappointed with Pepe's Pizza. It was okay, but it wasn't great. I still remember the first time I tasted that burnt, thin, crispy crust. It was like nothing I had ever had before. There's no pizza at home that even comes close. But like I said before, it was not great today.

After talking to the server, we found out why. I guess new customers were complaining that the crust was too thin, and the pizzas were coming out burnt and being sent back. So, I guess they changed the way they make the pizzas, and you could definitely tell. I think they've lost some long-time customers over the changes, too. I doubt we'll be back. We can get wonderful pizzas from Marco for a few dollars less. Can't beat that!