December 31, 2008

Playing in the Snow

Like I said in the previous post, it snowed today in Connecticut! At about 10:00am, this is what had already accumulated:

Marc and I went outside and my brother-in-law, Dave, took some pictures of us in the snow. The snow was blowing so hard that it kept getting on the camera lens.

This would have been a really great picture of us, but there was snow on the lens. No matter what I did, it kept getting covered with snow.

Then the wind started really kicking up. I don't think I've ever been that cold in my life!

Marc and I started laughing so hard, because we could barely keep our eyes open. The snow was so cold in our eyes.

I love this picture of Marc! He is so in his element!

He decided to shovel a path to the car.

Something you don't see around Huntsville...a plow truck! I promise you, every other vehicle we saw had a plow attached to the front of it.

I love seeing the contrast of the snow against the ocean.

While we were driving around, we saw this cute dog sitting in a driveway. He was watching kids down the road play in the snow. 

Couldn't you just eat him up? He was so precious!

I decided to split up my posts and make another one devoted to the beautiful scenery we saw while driving around Branford today. I'll get it posted as soon as I can!