January 2, 2009

A Look Back at 2008

Well, 2008 was definitely a year to remember! I started off the year with a bang, literally! On New Year's Day, I fell down the stairs at my brother and sister-in-law's house and broke my leg. We were on our way to the airport at about 2:00 in the morning, it was dark, I was tired, and everyone knows I'm really clumsy. Those things mixed together in a bad way that morning. I spent the better part of January and February in a cast. 

In March, we ordered a new range and microwave, which spurred some small home-improvement projects around the house. We repainted the bathroom, put down new flooring, changed linens, etc. We also took down wallpaper in the kitchen and dining room, repainted, and put down new flooring. We were thrilled with the results!

After a nice, relaxing summer break, we headed back to work. I had a lot of trouble adjusting to new things in my classroom. We started a new Reading series, and I got a new ActivBoard. Both things, along with a difficult class, made the beginning of the school year pretty rough for me.

Marc and I celebrated our 10th anniversary a little early with a trip to Disney World. We went with two other couples and had a blast! During September, my younger sister graduated from culinary school, and we were super proud of her!

The end of the year was busy with holiday parties and trips to visit family. We went to Texas for Thanksgiving and went to the last Dallas Cowboys game at Texas Stadium. We also went to Connecticut on Christmas Day. We had a great time visiting with family and seeing our niece and nephews. And the last day of the year was awesome: It snowed on New Year's Eve...Lots and lots of snow!

Unfortunately, during 2008 we also lost two pets. Lucy, my classroom guinea pig, died in March. We also had to put Guiedo, our first puppy together, to sleep on October 29. He was over 10 years old, and his health went downhill very quickly. I cried for weeks, and I still think about him every day and miss him terribly.

Marc and I had many ups and downs, but all in all 2008 was a pretty good year! Here's to 2009!