September 2, 2008

A Long Weekend Away

Marc and I left on Friday afternoon and headed up to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. My parents have a place up there, and we were able to get away for a few days. After a rough start to the school year, I really needed this mini-vacation!

We got to Gatlinburg at about 11:00 on Friday night. My dad had already gone to bed, but Marc, my mom, and I stayed up talking until almost 1:30. On Saturday morning, we got up and went to a late breakfast. Then, we headed to Sevierville to go to Tennessee's largest indoor flea market. It was pretty neat, and I bought four cookie cutters and a bag to carry around in Disney World. We ate dinner at Applewood Farmhouse, and it was excellent, as always!

On the way out of the flea market, my mother stumbled on a step (I get my clumsiness from her...) and jarred her back. So, she was not able to go anywhere on Sunday, because she was in a lot of pain. Marc and I headed out to do some shopping. I didn't buy anything, but he got a good deal on a driver, so he was excited! We went to lunch at Fuddrucker's and headed back to Gatlinburg.

Later that night, we went to play mini-golf at Ripley's Davy Crockett course. It was really cute, and we had a lot of fun! We took the trolley back to our place, and I got sick on the way there. Trolleys, hot weather, car sickness, and stinky people do not mix well, let me tell you. I was miserable! 

On Monday, we went to breakfast again with my parents. Then, we split up to do some more shopping. My mother and I went to Old Time Pottery, and Marc and my dad went to some tool store. Again, I didn't buy anything, but we still had fun! Then we went back and packed up our car to head home. 

It was a really good weekend, and I enjoyed spending some time with my parents. Now, only a few more weeks until Disney!