September 4, 2008

The Apple Barn Cider Mill & General Store

On Saturday, we ate at the Applewood Farmhouse Grill. This has become sort of a yearly tradition for our family. The food is so good, and you get a ton of it. To begin with, everyone gets apple fritters served with warm apple butter and a glass of iced apple juleps. Then you get a cup of soup, and lastly you get your entree. We are talking a ton of food! I'd be happy with just the fritters and juleps, but everything else is wonderful, too.

After we stuffed ourselves, we headed over to The Apple Barn Cider Mill and General Store. It's basically a cluster of little shops on the main grounds. 

First we visited the general store, because I wanted to buy some apple butter. Marc also bought some fresh apple cider that was really good!

My parents went next door to the bakery and got some fresh fried apple pies.

Then, we went to the candy shop a few doors down. I loved looking at all the neat candy displays. 

I bought one of these weird-shaped creamsicle lollipops, and my dad bought some homemade peanut butter cups.

We walked around a little bit more, then decided to call it a night. It had been a long day!