September 16, 2008

Four More Days!

Well, we only have four more days before our Disney trip, and crunch time is here. We are almost completely packed and only have a few more things to do at home to be ready to leave. Now, work is a completely different story.

I've been working on my lesson plans, copies, etc. at work for the past few weeks. I had planned to wrap everything up this week, because it was my week full of special classes. (Special classes=Free planning time for me!) How quickly things change! Today was supposed to be counseling day, but that was canceled because our counselor had to unexpectedly go out of town. No big deal, it happens all the time. Then at about 10:00, I got a new student! I had to rush around to find her a desk and get everything ready for her to take home today. The good thing is she's really a sweet little girl!

So, tomorrow was supposed to be my big day...I would only have my students until 1:00 and the rest of the day would be planning time. So, right after my new student arrived this morning, my principal came into my classroom and told me that I needed to go to a meeting out of the building tomorrow afternoon from 12:00-3:00. Great! Just what I needed! Did I also say that I would be out of town on Friday, too?

So, I worked on my plans every free chance I got today. Then, right as I finished my plans, I got an email from our Reading Coach saying that we weren't supposed to teach Reading next week. Oh well, too late to change my class is doing Reading next week! So, there!

Four more days! Four more days! Four more days!