December 1, 2008

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow

This morning we woke up to snow showers around the area! On my way to work, I saw several cars coming down from the mountain that were completely covered with snow. I mean a lot of snow...the kind of snow we rarely see around here.

To say the kids were excited would be an understatement. Several times during the day, it would start to snow, and the kids would get super excited. I can't blame them! When they were gone to PE, it started snowing really hard. I took this picture of a house behind our school:

The picture isn't blurry, the snow was just coming down really hard. Of course, the kids came in from PE screaming "It's snowing! It's snowing!" I love it!

On my way home from work, I decided to cross over Monte Sano mountain. There was still quite a bit of snow up there. Here are some pictures:

Isn't the snow beautiful? It was still coming down on my way home, but I doubt we'll see any accumulation our way. But there's always hope, right?