November 30, 2008

A New Way Home

After all of our difficulty getting to Fort Worth, Marc and I decided to trust the GPS to get us home instead of going our usual I-20 route. I was a little nervous to try a new route at first, but it ended up working out really well.

We ended up going through Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Alabama to get home. We left Fort Worth at 4:00am and got home at 3:30pm. We were able to shave a good two hours off our time. I was thrilled!

The traffic was much lighter on the new route. And we didn't have to deal with too many pesky left-lane slowpokes. It was pretty much smooth sailing all the home. The only part that I didn't really care for was when we left the interstate and got on Highway 72 for the last leg of the trip. However, since traffic was much less congested, we really didn't lose any time having to stop at all those traffic signals.

The next time we go to Texas, I'm thinking we'll probably stick to the new route. I'm glad I was willing to give it a try!