December 6, 2008

O' Christmas Tree

I finally got around to putting up the Christmas tree on Thursday night. I planned to do it earlier in the week, but we just had too much going on to get it done. I'm so glad it's finished!

Last year, I was able to talk Marc into getting an artificial tree. He balked at first, because he prefers real trees. He says they smell like Christmas. I told him I would spray some evergreen-scented room spray, and we'd call it a day. 

The artificial tree ended up coming in handy. Let me explain:  Last year, I broke my leg while we were in Connecticut for Christmas break. Since I couldn't put any weight on it, the tree stayed up until mid-February when I finally got a walking cast. A real tree would have been a huge mess by then. 

So, the tree is up, and it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. (Hey, I think I've heard that somewhere before...) No really, having a tree up makes me feel like doing all things, baking, making hot chocolate, looking at Christmas lights, finishing Christmas cards. I love this time of year! It's absolutely magical!

Here are a few of my favorite ornaments:

My mother picked this cutie up at an after-Christmas sale a few years ago.

My mother found this ornament last year. I like this one because it looks old. It's one of those jointed toys that collapses when you press the button under the drum.

I love, love, love the colors on this ornament, also one my mother found a few years ago.

This little guy just looks so cute and jolly!

This is one of Marc's ornaments from when he was a little boy. It fits perfectly on our snowman tree!

He looks so happy to be hanging on our tree! (Also from Mother...see a trend?)

We're ready for Christmas and counting the days. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to make a Christmas wreath for a PTA auction next week. Fun, fun!


Mommaof3monks said...

Now you have another to add to your beautiful tree!!